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How would you feel to wake up in a demented killer’s house, tied down by a chain with only the objects around you to escape? What if you had a limited time to free yourself before you get killed yourself? How would you react? Play this suspenseful game
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Game Information
Genre: Ghost Games
Played: 7774 times

Help Father Painbringer bring peace to the undead hordes through the gentle medium of the double-barrel shotgun.Fight your way through four worlds and sixteen levels of action and mayhem. It's time to take some ghouls to school!

Up arrow key to look up; down arrow key to look down; left and right arrow keys to move left and right; 'x' to jump (tap twice to double jump or press jump + down to jump down); 'z' to shoot (+ direction to aim up, down or diagonally).

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Ghoul Academy Ghoul Academy

Help Father Painbringer bring peace to the undead hordes through the gentle medium of the double-barrel shotgun.Fight your way through four worlds and sixteen levels of action and mayhem. It's time to take some ghouls to school!

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