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Destroy Zombies using the power of music, guns and traps. It's teen time revenge against adults that turned into zombies.
Halloween Fun

Username Games Played Comments Added Join Date
Agent X 14 0 Nov 25, 2008
airact360 37 0 Jan 19, 2011
alfie3200 22 0 Dec 19, 2011
amazing~@my 19 0 Oct 25, 2009
aphdpe 0 0 Feb 19, 2018
applesauce1 10 0 Oct 21, 2008
aqualalame 10 0 Oct 03, 2009
ash 29 0 Dec 16, 2008
barbiejo68 46 0 Oct 18, 2009
batikslimfit 0 0 Jun 05, 2017
benben 20 0 Oct 22, 2008
BigTits 16 0 Oct 26, 2011
boylan 12 0 Dec 01, 2008
Bvsdanele 0 0 Jun 18, 2017
Capt.Tacos 19 2 Jan 29, 2009
cdu2012 23 0 Sep 02, 2010
charley-2001 54 0 Apr 09, 2012
cringemaster94 0 0 Nov 08, 2017
cyborstang 19 0 Sep 21, 2009
Daddy69 33 0 Nov 08, 2012
darklongest 214 0 Oct 20, 2008
Dark_Baby16 53 0 Feb 02, 2009
deeznuts 3 0 Nov 07, 2017
dhanrajking 758 0 Dec 05, 2008
dopeboy1919 45 0 Nov 26, 2008
emcardle660 52 0 Nov 29, 2008
fallen6 13 0 Oct 18, 2010
Forsaken Entity 43 2 Jan 16, 2009
foxfire101 11 2 Nov 02, 2009
gamekiller123 12 0 Nov 14, 2010
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